This module will focus on ecological modeling. More info soon...
Readings, HW and things to think about
Tuesday November 5th
OPTIONAL Readings for today: Kokko Ch.1 , Jackson et al. 2000,
HW due next time: Constant quota fishing model
Tuesday November 12th
Coupling human and natural systems: the case of open access exploitation
- Insights from graphing
- Identifying and critiquing model assumptions
Thursday November 14th
From woolly idea to mechanism: the Anthropogenic Allee Effect
- Turn your wooly idea into a question
- Build a conceptual model
Reading for today: Courchamp et al. 2006 & Hall et al. 2008
HW for next time: Brainstorm your conceptual model individually (link to assignment)
Tuesday, November 19th
Insights from simple models: host parasite interactions and the basic reproductive
- Controlling outbreaks
Reading for today: None
HW for next class:
- Individual work: Using the disease models from today, how does changing p,c, N and γ change R0? For each of p, c, N and γ, describe a disease control intervention that could reduce R0 below 1 (e.g. what kind of control methods could reduce p?).
- Group work: See paper assignments here.
Thursday November 21st
Models as organizational tools for navigating complex interactions
- Group projects: development and preliminary analysis of your models.
Reading for Today: See homework from day before
HW: Work on group project
November 26-28th
No class: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 3rd
- Class presentation on modeling projects
- Reflections on ecological modeling