Category: Places

  • Organic Pineapple Farm Tour

    Organic Pineapple Farm Tour

    September 7th was a day centered around food (which means it was amazing). Our first stop was a certified organic pineapple farm!

  • La Selva

    La Selva

    On the morning of September 5th, we left our mountainous home for a lowland tropical rainforest, the La Selva Biological Station.

  • San Luis Coffee Farm Tour

    San Luis Coffee Farm Tour

    During the mornings of August 30th and 31st, we went on a tour of the Café San Luis coffee farm translated by the resident naturalists on campus, Michaela and Dionne.

  • San Gerardo

    San Gerardo

    Our first trip of the semester was to San Gerardo Station, a lodge in the Children’s Eternal Rainforest high up on the Caribbean slope.