A gallery of wildlife photography from our program in Costa Rica, includes amphibians & reptiles, birds, and insects.
Amphibians & Reptiles

(Centrolenidae prosoblepon)

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Jerry Jordan]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

(Norops biporcatus)

[Photo:Amanda Glatter]

See our full bird list here.

(Chamaepetes unicolor)

[Photo: Madison Tank]

[Photo: Jenna Lea]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Maddie Tank]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Madison Tank]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo by Amanda Glatter]

(Deinopis sp.)

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter]

[Photo: Amanda Glatter & Harrison Arnold]