Lecture Topic
Activities, discussion leader, and required discussion readings
August 17
Introduction to course; Population growth and regulation (PPT)
Review general ecology text on population growth and density-dependence or read Ch1&2 of Gotelli
Other useful resources:
--EcoEvoApps (web-based simulations for various ecological and evolutionary systems)
--Corrections and webapps for Community Ecology (Mittelbach and McGill)
August 22
Pop growth, continued
go over HW0
same as above
August 24
Demographic and environmental stochasticity and demographic heterogeneity (PPT);
Homework 1 (Ricker analysis; due on day of next class before 9am)
August 31
Applications: Stage-structure Part II (PPT)
HW2 (Proj matrix)
Class discussion: (led by Craig)
Vonesh and de la Cruz 2002 (pdf)
For this an all future readings, please email responses to these prompts by 9am the day of discussion to Craig and the Discussion leaders:
1. What is the primary take-home message of the paper?
2. What is one issue/approach/question/confusion raised in the paper that you found "unsatisfying" or with which you disagreed?
3. Explain your answer to #2.
4. Identify one insight from the paper that changed your perspective about ecology?
Gotelli: Ch 4
Mittelbach and McGill - Ch 12 (pp 249-257)
September 26
No lecture today...
go over HW5 and Exam 1
None today
September 28
Class discussion -- Anna, Christian, Emma
Johnston and Post 2009 (PDF
October 05 (Craig out of town)
Craig is out of town; you will watch videos from last year (via eLC)
1) u/g, CDD, and IFD;
2) Competition Experiments (unless we did it already)
(these are recordings from past years)
see prior weeks
November 14
Presentations of the "most interesting papers" (HW11; PPT)
November 16
Presentations of the "most interesting papers" (HW11; PPT) - continued
November 21
Review for Exam 3: discussion of student-defined problems (HW12; PPT)
Thanksgiving holiday
November 28
Review for Exam 3: (HW 12 continued)
November 30
Exam 3 (take it)
Links from past courses:
Independent Contrasts (PPT)