Lecture Topic
Activities, discussion leader, and required readings
August 20
Introduction to course; Population growth and regulation (PPT)
Review general ecology text on population growth and density-dependence or read Ch1&2 of Gotelli
Other useful resources:
--EcoEvoApps (web-based simulations for various ecological and evolutionary systems)
--Corrections and webapps for Community Ecology (Mittelbach and McGill)
August 27
Demographic and environmental stochasticity and demographic heterogeneity (PPT);
go over HW1b
Homework 1 (Ricker analysis; due on day of next class before 9am)
September 03
Applications: Stage-structure Part II (PPT)
go over HW2
Class discussion: (led by Craig)
Vonesh and de la Cruz 2002 (pdf)
For this an all future readings, please email responses to these prompts by 9am the day of discussion:
1. What is the primary take-home message of the paper?
2. What is one issue/approach/question/confusion raised in the paper that you found "unsatisfying" or with which you disagreed?
3. Explain your answer to #2.
4. Identify one insight from the paper that changed your perspective about ecology?
Gotelli: Ch 4
Mittelbach and McGill - Ch 12 (pp 249-257)
September 10
Metapopulations (cont.)
see above
September 24
Exam 1 (take it; grade it)
HW5 (pop gen)
None; but you should review basics from other resources.
October 20
Coexistence (continued)
go over HW8
same as above
October 27
Exam 2 (take it; grade it)
November 19
Presentations of the "most interesting papers" (HW11; PPT) - continued
November 24
Review for Exam 3: discussion of student-defined problems (HW12; PPT)
Thanksgiving holiday
December 01
Review for Exam 3: (HW 12 continued)
December 03
Exam 3 (take it) -- we'll handle this as we did Exam 2.
Links from past courses:
Independent Contrasts (PPT)
The webpage below here is still being updated....