Ecology 8000 Synthesis/Review paper assignment
(largely stolen from the UF Biology/Zoology Department IP program)
Over the course of the semester you will develop and write a review/synthesis paper in the mold of a TREE paper, and you will participate in the peer review of other students' papers. The project is intended to:
- Give you the opportunity to review, think deeply about, and synthesize the literature most relevant to your research interests
- Aid you in developing your ideas for possible research projects
- Introduce you to the mechanics of the review process, as both an author and a reviewer
- Help you develop your scientific writing
Reading: Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Literature Review
Paper assignment
Each student will write a short "synthesis" paper, which will be submitted to the course coordinator, who will act as the editor of a fictitious but awesome journal that specializes in publishing relatively short papers that provide thought-provoking synthesis and review of intriguing questions in ecology. These papers should emphasize synthesis and/or the development of new approaches, rather than exhaustive summaries of past research. To the extent possible, aim for an integrative approach to the problem (rather than a more conventional focus). Good examples of the flavor of paper we are looking for are some of the review & synthesis papers published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution. We encourage you to select a topic that you expect to pursue for your graduate studies. We are hopeful that this exercise will benefit the development of your research ideas and grant proposals. Because the process of publication is not a private one, and papers benefit from critical feedback and reviews, preparation of a manuscript is greatly facilitated by discussions with colleagues, and friendly peer review prior to submission. We encourage you to discuss your ideas and your manuscript with your advisor and others as you select a topic and begin to develop your outline. If at any time during the project you need advice or assistance, feel free to contact the course instructors or other members (faculty and students) of the school -- many of whom have experience as authors, reviewers, and editors. This "pre-submission" process is lengthy -- allow time for the development of your ideas, writing of a draft, feedback from others, and revision (perhaps followed by more feedback and more revision)...all before the final version must be submitted to the 'journal', which includes a cover letter and response to reviewer comments.
Paper format
A PDF of the paper should be submitted along with a PDF of a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief (i.e., the lead instructor via e-mail) stating the title and nature of the paper, and the number of tables and figures (ask graduate students and faculty for examples of cover letters). You should also indicate if any of this material has been submitted or published elsewhere (journals frown on "double" publication). It should represent original work. You should also feel free to suggest possible reviewers and to indicate persons who you feel might have a conflict of interest, which might prevent them from providing a fair review.
The submitted papers are not drafts, but complete, polished versions of the manuscript. All manuscripts should be spell- and grammar-checked (not just by your computer software) and proofread.
Peer Review & Revision
The papers will be peer-reviewed by students in the course and by faculty and graduate students in the Odum School of Ecology (and possibly in related departments at UGA). Reviews will provide the basis for the editorial decision. A decision letter and the reviews will be provided to the authors (and reviewers). Editorial review will determine if the papers are ready for publication or require further revision (you should anticipate the latter; it is extremely rare for a paper to be accepted "as is", and this has never happened with this particular journal). Review (constructive criticism from one's scientific peers) and revision (in light of that criticism) are the components of the publication process that maintain high standards of quality and significance in the scientific literature.
We will devote class time to a discussion of the mechanics of manuscript preparation and revision, as well as the review process. It is hoped that by participating in this process in the course of writing your papers, you will develop greater insight into the nature of scientific publication, both from the viewpoint of a producer and a consumer of that literature.
Due Dates
Assignment due
Sept 6
Discussion of outlines in class
Sept 11
Outline due at the beginning of class
Oct 11
First draft due at the beginning of class
Nov 1
First submission (including cover letter) due by 11:59 PM
Nov 16
Peer Reviews due by 5pm
Dec 12
Final Submissions (including the response to reviewer comments) due by 5pm