
This module will be about mutualisms in ecology, specifically from an evolutionary perspective. We will be using the computer program R  and RStudio in many of these exercises. The computer lab has both programs available, but you can find instructions on installing on your own computer here.



Readings, HW and things to think about

Tuesday Oct. 9

Introduction & Discussion

Reading for today: Axelrod & Hamilton 1981 , Janzen 1985

HW due next time: Paper drafts due by beginning of class (send to Ford)

Thursday Oct. 11

Tit for Tat

Reading for Today: Lewontin 1970

HW for next time: Finish simulation exercise

Tuesday Oct. 16

  • Genetic and economic perspectives on mutualisms
  • Extending the idea of Tit for Tat

Reading for today:  Frank 1994, Hammerstien & Noe 2016

HW for next time: None

Thursday Oct. 18

Reading for today: Doebeli & Knowlton 1998

HW for next class: Finish simulation exercise from class

Tuesday Oct 23

  • Invasion analysis I

Reading for Today:  See readings from previous class

Optional Reading: Geritz 1997 

HW for next class: None

Thursday Oct 25

  • Trading with multiple partners
  • Conclusion and synthesis exercies

Optional/Suggested Reading for Today:  Kümmel & Salant 2006